In 2017 I was curious about my country and set out to understand who we are. I am telling the stories from my seven year journey of discovery in my book, BOOM!, now available at booksellers.“
“BOOM! It’s a Big Country for an Old Man” - John Van Dyke
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Discovering who we are. It’s about us in a rapidly changing America. One that has been changing and shifting as we have gone about our lives. No single story, or single person, or single location, or idea defines us. Our lives, our communities and cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories.
America is a Mosaic of ideas, dreams, hopes, desires, communities, family, culture and places.
It’s a big country.
At the age of 74 I set out to satisfy a curiosity about my country, what was happening to us, who were we? I didn’t recognize what I imagined we were. But I didn’t really know, so I set out on a journey of discovery. I have written a book of that journey. "BOOM! It’s a Big Country for an Old Man."
“In "BOOM!" I take the readers on an extraordinary adventure across the diverse landscapes of America, armed with nothing but a curiosity for the stories that bind us together. The book explores the shared experiences, dreams, and values that unite Americans, transcending the perceived differences that often divide us.”
Available now at BARNES & NOBLE and AMAZON and independent booksellers
John Van Dyke @johnvandyke.com
Wisconsin, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas… and a bunch more
We have so much to talk about today. John Van Dyke has filmed conversations. Asking questions, trying to figure out who we are today in a changing America. Conversations we need to have…
The American Dream
Values and Families
Our Common Ground
Living with Change
Our places… Voices
“The author of this book embodies the true American spirit: he immerses himself in travel, contributes, takes time to connect with people, actively listens, and documents their stories.” - Reader Review
BOOM! It’s a Big Country for an Old Man - THE BOOK of my seven year journey around the country, now at BARNES & NOBLE and Amazon.
As a designer my natural curiousity and wondering who we really are, set me on a journey in 2017, in the end I now understand and share that in my book. My story continues as a designer and architect with a new project in the planning stage. John Van Dyke
West Virginia, Ohio, Texas, New Hampshire, Iowa, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, North Dakota, Michigan, Arizona, California, New York, Washington, Montana… and more. We are shaped by our places, yet we share basic concerns, and country. An American Mosaic, on the road in America, discovering who we are.